Festive Wedding & Engagement Guide

關乎一生的重要問題。一份永恆真摯的愛。一顆超越世代的鑽石。De Beers 的鑽石能讓佳節驚喜求婚變得更加魔幻難忘。De Beers 是瑰麗訂婚鑽戒的代名詞,我們的珠寶設計彰顯大自然最瑰麗的寶藏。每一顆符合道德來源的鑽石,都因其非凡罕見之美而被精心挑選而出,打造成如同您倆一樣獨特的愛情象徵。

Diamond Engagement Rings

Diamond Engagement Rings

There’s no more magical time to pop the question than the holiday season. If you’re planning a festive proposal, De Beers offers an abundance of engagement ring inspiration. From classic to contemporary, each design is crafted with diamonds of unparalleled quality and beauty. Whatever their style, you’ll find the perfect engagement ring to make this festive season your most joyful yet.

Discover Diamond Engagement Rings
Personalised Bands

Make it Personal

Just like every diamond, every love story is unique. Add a personal touch to your diamond engagement ring or wedding band by engraving it with a special, sentimental inscription. Whether your wedding date, initials or a secret romantic message, there are endless ways to make your most treasured piece of jewellery even more meaningful.

Discovered Personalisation
Wedding Day Jewellery
Eternity Bands


Bespoke Engagement Rings

您的愛情值得擁有無與倫比的鑽石。在 De Beers ,您可以透過我們的「For You, Forever」個人化婚戒訂製服務打造專屬於您的獨特訂婚戒指。與我們的品牌大使預約專屬鑑賞時段,探索我們令人一見傾心的鑽石設計,並設計您夢想中的戒指。屬於您的獨一無二作品將由 De Beers 的工匠大師手工精心製作。我們很樂意協助您完成這趟旅程的每一步。


De Beers 的與眾不同

在 De Beers 選購鑽石,您可以擁有百分百的安心保證。我們與鑽石產地的獨特連結,意味著我們的鑽石不僅極其美麗,而且我們可以確保它們的來源可追溯性和對社會帶來的正面影響力。我們的專家團隊很樂意隨時引領您探索 De Beers 鑽石的世界,並引導您找到一枚與您的愛情故事同樣獨特非凡的訂婚鑽戒。